Ralph Bernstein

Ralph Bernstein had a distinguished career in science and engineering. He began his career at UConn, where he received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (‘56), and continued his education at Syracuse University, where he received a M.S. also in Electrical Engineering (‘60). He held senior positions at the IBM Palo Alto Scientific Center, the IBM Federal Systems Division and Electric Power Research Institute. He managed applied research and development in geoscientific, medical, military, and aerospace systems, including 3D medical and earth observation image processing, and aircraft navigation control systems. He pioneered earth observation digital image processing. Ralph developed an oceanographic geosciences data processing and gravity control system for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. He was a NASA Principal Investigator on two Landsat earth observation satellite programs. At Electric Power Research Institute he led the development of the electric utility National Lightning Detection Network. He is an IEEE Fellow and was a member of several National Academy of Sciences National Research Council boards, including the Space Science Board, the Space Applications Board, the Committee to Define Requirements for the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Committee on Data Management and Computation, where he served as Chairman. His recognition includes the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, NASA Public Service Award/Medal, IBM General Manager’s Award, and IBM Outstanding Contribution Award. He edited the book, Digital Image Processing for Remote Sensing, IEEE Press. He has five patents and numerous scientific and engineering papers.
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