
Discover Engineering

UConn College of Engineering is a powerhouse for research and engineering education in the State of Connecticut and beyond. We are a top public engineering school in New England, and we provide 56 percent of the State’s engineering graduates. We work with local and national industry to address pressing technological challenges and to strengthen our manufacturing base. We value entrepreneurship and innovation, and our students and faculty actively develop startups and new technologies in support of economic development. Equally important, initiatives in engineering for human rights, brownfields, cybersecurity and other current issues demonstrate our enduring commitment to addressing major challenges facing our society.

Fact Sheet Annual Report Engineering Strategic Plan

Dean's Message

UConn Engineering is a school on the rise, with a talented and growing student population, a nationally-competitive research program, and faculty that are well-known experts in their field. Connecticut and its engineering community look to UConn Engineering for leadership, intellectual capital, and outstanding graduates who will ensure the economic future of our state.

To ensure continued growth, our focus is always on three major pillars: Developing successful students, maintaining research excellence, and contributing to the economic output and development in the state of Connecticut.

Read the Dean's Message

Support Engineering

We want to provide the best opportunities for our students, now and in the future and we need your help. By supporting the College of Engineering, you are making a difference and investing in the future of Connecticut. We firmly believe in the power of a UConn Engineering degree. Together we can help our students develop the skills they need to excel in the Connecticut workforce.

Give to UConn Engineering

Industry Advisory Board

The College of Engineering has an active, engaged, and diverse advisory board representing industry, government, alumni, and higher education. The board meets as a group twice a year, but sub-groups may meet more often to provide timely input on issues of importance to the school. Members are also contacted by the dean when guidance or support is needed. Members are appointed for renewable three-year terms.