Xiaohong Guan
Xiaohong Guan is the Cheung Kong Professor of Systems Engineering and Dean of the School of Electronic and Information Engineering of Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is also an adjunct professor and Director of the Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems at Tsinghua University, Beijing and served as department head (’03-’08). Dr. Guan has made seminal contributions in the areas of scheduling and optimization of large scale electrical power and manufacturing systems; game theoretic analysis and bidding strategies of electric power markets; and computer network security. He holds five patents and has published four books and book chapters along with more than 160 scholarly journal articles and conference proceedings. Dr. Guan is an IEEE Fellow. He is serving as the Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE RAS, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, and Associate Editor of Automatica. He received the Systems Integration and Modeling Best Paper Award of IEEE Communication Society (’08), the Second Prize of the National Award for Natural Science of China (’05), the National Outstanding Young Investigator Award of China (’97) and Li Heritage Prize for Excellence in Creative Activities (’96). Dr. Guan received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in control engineering from Tsinghua University.