Lucas Hellerich
Lucas Hellerich, Professional Engineer and Licensed Environmental Professional, is a Senior Project Manager with AECOM, in Rocky Hill, CT, a global provider of professional technical and management support services. Dr. Hellerich leads AECOM’s Connecticut remediation engineering group, provides technical direction of major environmental remediation programs, and develops innovative strategies to address significant environmental contamination issues. He has contributed to major innovative remediation projects throughout the United States and in Brazil. He was the first professional in Connecticut to employ a combination of in situ thermal remediation and in situ bioremediation to clean up a large site contaminated with chlorinated solvents. He is currently directing a number of significant projects, including a $20 million remediation design-build project involving possibly the largest bioremediation project implemented to date in New England. He has served as a Commissioner for the Town of Oxford, CT Inland Wetlands Commission and been an advisor to several senior environmental engineering design teams at UConn. Dr. Hellerich also has shared his environmental remediation experience through short courses, journal articles, and conference presentations.